Left wing Politics and Right wing Politics in india

rahul chakrapani explains left wing politics and right wing politics


Left-wing and Right-wing

then there is also Leftist and Rightist ideologies, Capitalist, Communist and Socialist ideologies,

these gamuts of words are used to describe varied political ideologies.

You must have heard of them everywhere. But I can bet

many people who use these words presently,

do not know the actual meaning of them.

These words, in a sense,

have lost their true meaning somewhere, due to people using them

without a thorough understanding.

Therefore in this blog,I will explain the true meaning of these words

and the exact context of the political ideologies

associated with these words.

Finally, I will show you, out of all these ideologies

which is the best one. So let’s begin.


Left or Right, both these words were first used

in the French Revolution of the 18th century.

France had Monarchy back then which means,

one king and his dynasty who would rule the nation.

Some people supported the monarchy and some people opposed it,

as they favoured democracy.

The French Parliament had a seating arrangement for both of them in such a way,

that the people sitting on the right were those who were loyal to their Monarch, mainly the wealthy class

who didn’t want a change in the monarchy?

Those sitting on the left were the ones who were poor,

deeply desiring a revolutionary change in the existing system.


the definition of “Left” & “Right” in some ways was formed in this manner.

For the right-wing, the other words used are

conservative, the establishment supporters,

the upholders of the existing system.

On the other hand, words used to describe Left-wing are

reformists, those desiring change-the revolutionaries.

From that time, there have been a few changes to the meaning

of these words till present times.

rahul chakrapani explains left wing politics and right wing politics

Today, these two words can be best described by

the ideologies of the different American political parties.

America has two political parties, namely

Democrats and Republicans.

The Democrats are also known as the Left-wing party

and the Republicans are known as the Right-wing party.

There are some varied policies, decisions and opinions on several matters

which are different between the Left and the Right-wing parties.

The ones belonging to the Left-wing are

of the strong opinion to separate religion from the government.

They support the same

sex marriage and oppose the Death Penalty.

They want to be open to the Immigrants.

They want to increase the taxes on the rich and

generally support Globalization and are Pro-Immigration.

Those supporting the Right-wing party,

have opinions generally opposite to the left-wing party in these matters.

They want Religion and Government to be hand in hand,

and the country to be united under one official State religion.

They are mostly against Abortion

and want to keep the taxes at the bare minimum,

so as to give encouragement to innovation and entrepreneurship.

In most ways, they support the ideology of Capitalism

They are not Pro-Immigration and want to keep it restricted

so that, as much as possible,

the country’s culture can be conserved.

Therefore, they are also known as Conservatives.

Obviously,it can be said that any political party

or any of its members can by themselves support

some opinions of the Left-wing and some opinions of the right-wing. This does happen in Politics.

More appropriately, it can be deduced, which party is Left-leaning i.e mostly in support of

Leftist ideologies and which party is Right-leaning i.e mostly

supporting Rightist ideologies.

The numerous ideologies of Left and Right can be classified in one more way.

Left and Right-wing can be labelled as

Economically Left or Economically Right-wing and Socially Left or Socially Right-wing.

In Social, the issues covered are mostly religion-related, abortion

related and same-sex marriage related among others.

An Economical, the issues differentiating the Left and Right-wing are mostly

about how much the government interferes in the running of the country’s economy.

More the interference of the government in the country’s affairs and economy,

more it starts leaning towards the left-wing ideologies.

Lesser the interference of the government,

in the country’s affairs and its economy, it starts leaning more towards the right-wing ideologies, economically.

In here now comes

the definition of “Communism”.

The Communist ideology is defined as an extreme left-wing ideology because,

communists believe in total control of the government over the country’s economy.

“Socialism” can be defined in the category of Center-Left as

the socialist ideology believes in

partial control of the government over the country’s economy and affairs.

Those who come in the category of Center-Right and the Extreme-Right

believe that the lesser the interference and control of the government over the economy, the better it is.

They are certain that freer the markets are of the

governmental control, the better it is for the economy.

Now in the perspective of India, you may be wondering

which party can be classified into Left-wing ideology,

and which into the Right-wing ideology.

In case of Socially Left wing or Right wing for the

religion aspect, mainly three parties emerge in India.


Shiv Sena and AIMIM.

The remaining parties fall in the Left-wing ideology

due to their secular views like Congress, AAP, JDU

TMC and CPI-M.

If we look at the economical aspects, the economical Left & Right Wing,

then almost all the parties of India

support the left-wing ideology, because

they support the concept of Subsidies. They

support the increment of taxes levied.

Till the 1990s, India’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) was fully

closed. We had closed markets at that time.

That was the level of left-leaning in economic matters for Indian political parties.

But at the same time, we can see

the opposition of the death penalty and support of same-sex marriage in India.

These are the other

characteristics of the Left-wing ideologies. In India,

though none of the parties openly support these views.

Therefore the words Left or Right

are an improper way of classifying Indian political parties and it is better to

we don’t use these words to classify them. We should

only see their independent policy decisions to decide which is correct or wrong

and thus judge the parties accordingly.

Now the question arises that which one- the Left or Right

is the best ideology?

I want you to contemplate on this one.

Pause this video and go to the comments section

to tell your views about whatever explanation I have given you of the various ideologies.

On the basis of this information, I gave you, think about it.

Is the Left-wing better or the Right-wing?

The correct answer is-


Neither is the Left-wing ideology perfect nor is the Right-wing ideology.

We can say this with 100% surety,

because we have seen countries following the Extreme Left-wing ideologies

like China and Russia.

China had Mao and Russia had Stalin,

both who were famous for their mass killings.

The countries following the Extreme Right-wing ideologies

in the present times, mostly the Middle Eastern countries,

who define themselves by one religion.

If you live in one of these countries and commit

small transgressions against their religious practices or make a mockery of their faith,

you can consider yourselves finished.

This is why both the ideologies,

Extreme Left or Extreme Right-Wing are dangerous to follow.

It is better not to pursue both of them.

But both the Right & Left have some good views which can benefit the Center.

For example- it is better to be Economically Right-wing as it

keeps the country’s market open.

Such as the most successful countries

like the Nordic countries,

Finland, Sweden, Netherlands etc

keep their markets fully open and liberalized.

Thus being Economically Right-wing is better to follow

as it encourages entrepreneurship too.

But in some areas, the government should necessarily intercede and

in some sectors, higher taxation is very much required.

Therein comes the Left-wing, like in the sectors of Healthcare,

or the education sector, all these successful countries have observed that

these two sectors namely- healthcare and education

should retrieve higher taxes for its betterment

Therefore for these sectors, following Left-wing ideology is better.

Immigration is another such policy where it is observed that following

the Right-wing views are better as seen in today’s world, in the case of

European countries who were till now Left-leaning in immigration policies

They had an Open Door Refugee Policy which

was not regulated regarding the intake of refugees.

which caused them heavy losses

and a marked increase in crime rates.

Here the issue of Cultural Preservation also arises,

regarding which, the views of Right-wing are mostly correct.

But when they include their religion also in cultural preservation,

there the right-wing ideology becomes wrong.

Moreover, the issue of supporting the death penalty or opposing it

is very much open for debate.

The rights and wrongs of the topic can be considered and deliberated.

Thus the other discussed issues can be said with surety

as to which ideology is correct for which issue.

So friends here’s hoping that you have liked this blog

. Thank You!

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